Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current 1 Question 11

11. A current carrying infinitely long wire is kept along the diameter of a circular wire loop, without touching it. The correct statement(s) is(are)


(a) The emf induced in the loop is zero if the current is constant.

(b) The emf induced in the loop is finite if the current is constant.

(c) The emf induced in the loop is zero if the current decreases at a steady rate.

(d) The emf induced in the loop is finite if the current decreases at a steady rate.

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Correct Answer: 11. (a, c)


Due to the current in the straight wire, net magnetic flux from the circular loop is zero. Because in half of the circle, magnetic field is inwards and in other half, magnetic field is outwards. Therefore, change in current will not cause any change in magnetic flux from the loop. Therefore, induced emf under all conditions through the circular loop is zero.

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