Straight Line and Pair of Straight Lines 1 Question 40

40. The points $(-a,-b),(0,0),(a, b)$ and $\left(a^{2}, a^{3}\right)$ are

(a) collinear

(b) vertices of a rectangle

$(1979,2 M)$

(c) vertices of a parallelogram

(d) None of the above

Objective Questions II

(One or more than one correct option)

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  1. The point $O(0,0)$ is the mid-point of $A(-a,-b)$ and $B(a, b)$. Therefore, $A, O, B$ are collinear and equation of line $A O B$ is

$$ y=\frac{b}{a} x $$

Since, the fourth point $D\left(a^{2}, a b\right)$ satisfies the above equation.

Hence, the four points are collinear.

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