Binomial Theorem 2 Question 3

3. If the fractional part of the number $\frac{2^{403}}{15}$ is $\frac{k}{15}$, then $k$ is equal to

(2019 Main, 9 Jan I)

(a) 14

(b) 6

(c) 4

(d) 8

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Correct Answer: 3. (d)


  1. Consider,

$$ \begin{aligned} 2^{403} & =2^{400+3}=8 \cdot 2^{400}=8 \cdot\left(2^{4}\right)^{100}=8(16)^{100}=8(1+15)^{100} \\ & =8\left(1+{ }^{100} C _1(15)+{ }^{100} C _2(15)^{2}+\ldots+{ }^{100} C _{100}(15)^{100}\right) \end{aligned} $$

[By binomial theorem,

$$ \left.(1+x)^{n}={ }^{n} C _0+{ }^{n} C _1 x+{ }^{n} C _2 x^{2}+\ldots{ }^{n} C _n x^{n}, n \in N\right] $$

$$ =8+8\left({ }^{100} C _1(15)+{ }^{100} C _2(15)^{2}+\ldots+{ }^{100} C _{100}(15)^{100}\right) $$

$=8+8 \times 15 \lambda$

where $\lambda{ }^{100} C _1+\ldots . .+{ }^{100} C _{100}(15)^{99} \in N$

$\therefore \frac{2^{403}}{15}=\frac{8+8 \times 15 \lambda}{15}=8 \lambda+\frac{8}{15}$

$$ \Rightarrow \quad \frac{2^{403}}{15}=\frac{8}{15} $$

(where ${\cdot}$ is the fractional part function)

$$ \therefore \quad k=8 $$

Alternate Method

$2^{403}=8 \cdot 2^{400}=8(16)^{100}$

Note that, when 16 is divided by 15 , gives remainder 1 .

$\therefore$ When $(16)^{100}$ is divided by 15 , gives remainder $1^{100}=1$ and when $8(16)^{100}$ is divided by 15 , gives remainder 8 .

$\therefore \quad \frac{2^{403}}{15}=\frac{8}{15}$.

(where {} is the fractional part function)

$$ \Rightarrow \quad k=8 $$

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