Transition and InnerTransition Elements - Result Question 21

####22. Four successive members of the first row transition elements listed below with atomic numbers. Which one of them is expected to have the highest $E _{M^{3+} / M^{2+}}^{\circ}$ value? (2013 Main)

(a) $Cr(Z=24)$

(b) $\operatorname{Mn}(Z=25)$

(c) $Fe(Z=26)$

(d) $Co(Z=27)$

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  1. SRP value normally increases from left to right in the period of $d$-block elements. Some SRP value are exceptionally higher due to stability of product ion. e.g.

$$ E _{Mn^{3+} / Mn^{2+}}^{0}=+1.57 V ; E _{Co^{3+} / Co^{2+}}^{0}=+1.97 V $$

Thus, $E _{M^{3+} / M^{2+}}^{\circ}$ is highest for Co.

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