Surface Chemistry - Result Question 19

####20. Methylene blue, from its aqueous solution, is adsorbed on activated charcoal at $25^{\circ} C$. For this process, the correct statement is

(2013 Adv.)

(a) the adsorption requires activation at $25^{\circ} C$

(b) the adsorption is accompanied by a decreases in enthalpy

(c) the adsorption increases with increase of temperature

(d) the adsorption is irreversible

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Correct Answer: 20. (a)


  1. Physical adsorption takes place with decrease in enthalpy thus exothermic change. It is physical adsorption and does not require activation. Thus, $(a)$ is incorrect.

Being physical adsorption $\Delta H<0$ thus, $(b)$ is correct. Exothermic reaction is favoured at low temperature thus (c) is incorrect. Physical adsorption is always reversible, thus (d) is incorrect.

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