Qualitative Analysis - Result Question 31

####31. The reagents, $NH _4 Cl$ and aqueous $NH _3$ will precipitate

(a) $Ca^{2+}$

(b) $Al^{3+}$

(c) $Bi^{3+}$

(d) $Mg^{2+}$ (e) $Zn^{2+}$

Assertion and Reason

Read the following questions and answer as per the direction given below:

(a) Statement I is correct Statement II is correct Statement II is a correct; explanation of Statement I

(b) Statement I is correct; Statement II is correct Statement II is not the correct explanation of Statement I.

(c) Statement I is correct; Statement II is incorrect.

(d) Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is correct.

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Correct Answer: 31. (d)


  1. Both $Al^{3+}$ and $Bi^{3+}$ are precipitated as their hydroxides.


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