pBlock ElementsII - Result Question 66

####61. The unbalanced chemical reactions given in Column I show missing reagent or condition (?) which are provided in Column II. Match Column I with Column II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Columns.

(2013 Adv.)

Column I Column II
P. $PbO _2+H _2 SO _4 \xrightarrow{?} PbSO _4+O _2+$ 1. $NO$
Q. $Na _2 S _2 O _3+H _2 O \stackrel{?}{\longrightarrow} NaHSO _4+$ 2. $\quad I _2$
R. $N _2 H _4 \stackrel{?}{\longrightarrow} N _2+$ other product 3. Warm
S. $XeF _2 \stackrel{?}{\longrightarrow} Xe+$ other product 4. $\quad Cl _2$


$\begin{array}{llll}P & Q & R & S\end{array}$ P Q $\quad R \quad S$

(a) $4 \quad 2 \quad 3 \quad 1$

(b) $\begin{array}{llll}3 & 2 & 1 & 4\end{array}$

(c) $1 \quad 4 \quad 2 \quad 3$

Fill in the Blanks

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  1. (P) $2 PbO _2+2 H _2 SO _4 \xrightarrow{\text { Warm (3) }} 2 PbSO _4+O _2+2 H _2 O$

(Q) $Na _2 S _2 O _3+H _2 O \xrightarrow{Cl _2(4)} NaHSO _4+HCl$

(R) $N _2 H _4 \xrightarrow{I _2(2)} N _2+Hl$

(S) $XeF _2 \xrightarrow{NO(1)} Xe+NOF$

Thus, $P-(3), Q-(4)$, $R-(2)$, $S-(1)$

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