pBlock ElementsII - Result Question 64

####59. Among the following, the correct statement is

(a) Between $NH _3$ and $PH _3, NH _3$ is a better electron donor because the lone pair of electrons occupies spherical ’ $s$ ’ orbital and is less directional

(b) Between $NH _3$ and $PH _3, PH _3$ is a better electron donor because the lone pair of electrons occupies $s p^{3}$-orbital and is more directional

(c) Between $NH _3$ and $PH _3, NH _3$ is a better electron donor because the lone pair of electrons occupies $s p^{3}$-orbital and is more directional

(d) Between $NH _3$ and $PH _3, PH _3$ is a better electron donor because the lone pair of electrons occupies spherical ’ $s$ ’ orbital and is less directional

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  1. $NH _3$ is stronger Lewis base than $PH _3$. In a group of hydrides, basic strength decreases down the group.

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