pBlock ElementsII - Result Question 154

####42. Which of the following is incorrect statement?

$(1978,1 M)$

(a) $NO$ is heavier than $O _2$

(b) The formula of heavy water is $D _2 O$

(c) $N _2$ diffuses faster than oxygen through an orifice

(d) $NH _3$ can be used as a refrigerant

Objective Questions II

(One or more than one correct option)

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  1. NO is lighter than $O _2$.

$D _2 O$ is commonly known as heavy water.

$N _2$ is lighter than $O _2$, effuse at faster rate under identical experimental conditions. $NH _3$ liquefies at very low temperature. Therefore, liquid $NH _3$ is used as a refrigerant.

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