Hydrocarbons - Result Question 87

####75. A white precipitate was formed slowly when silver nitrate was added to compound $A$ with molecular formula $C _6 H _{13} Cl$. Compound $A$ on treatment with hot alcoholic potassium hydroxide gave a mixture of two isomeric alkenes $B$ and $C$, having formula $C _6 H _{12}$. The mixture of $B$ and $C$, on ozonolysis, furnished four compounds (i) $CH _3 CHO$ (ii) $C _2 H _5 CHO$

(iii) $CH _3 COCH _3$

What are the structures of $A, B$ and $C$ ?

$(1986,4 M)$

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  1. The alkenes are :

Since, both alkenes I and II are obtained by $\beta$-elimination of same halides, the halides must be :


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