Coordination Compounds 2 Question 65

####67. Deduce the structures of $\left[NiCl _4\right]^{2-}$ and $\left[Ni(CN) _4\right]^{2-}$ considering the hybridisation of the metal ion. Calculate the magnetic moment (spin only) of the species.

$(2002,5 M)$

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  1. $\left[NiCl _4\right]^{2-}: Ni^{2+}\left(3 d^{8}\right)$, weak ligand field.

$\mu=\sqrt{n(n+2)} BM=\sqrt{8} BM$

$\left[Ni(CN) _4\right]^{2-}: Ni^{2+}\left(3 d^{8}\right)$, strong ligand field.

$\mu=0$ (no unpaired electron)

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