Coordination Compounds 2 Question 51

####53. Statement I $\left[Fe\left(H _2 O\right) _5 NO\right] SO _4$ is paramagnetic.

Statement II The $Fe$ in $\left[Fe\left(H _2 O\right) _5 NO _3 SO _4\right.$ has three unpaired electrons.

$(2008,3 M)$

Passage Based Questions

The coordination number of $Ni^{2+}$ is 4 . $NiCl _2+KCN$ (excess) $\longrightarrow A$ (cyano complex)

$NiCl _2+$ conc. $HCl$ (excess) $\longrightarrow B$ (chloro complex)

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Correct Answer: 53. (a, b, d)


  1. In the complex $\left[Fe\left(H _2 O\right) _5 NO\right] SO _4, Fe$ is in +1 oxidation state because $NO$ is in +1 state. Also $NO$ is a strong ligand, complex has $3 d^{7}$-configuration at $Fe(I)$ as :

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