Coordination Compounds 1 Question 11

####11. Which of the following complex species is not expected to exhibit optical isomerism?

(2013 Main)

(a) $\left[Co(en) _3\right]^{3+}$

(b) $\left[Co(en) _2 Cl _2\right]^{+}$

(c) $\left[Co\left(NH _3\right) _3 Cl _3\right]$

(d) $\left[Co(en)\left(NH _3\right) Cl _2\right]^{+}$

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Correct Answer: 11. paramagnetism


  1. Optical isomerism is exhibited by only those complexes which lacks elements of symmetry. $\left[Co\left(NH _3\right) _3 Cl _3\right]$ shows facial as well as meridional isomerism. But both the forms contain plane of symmetry. Thus, this complex does not exhibit optical isomerism.

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