Carboxylic Acids and their Derivatives - Result Question 49

####35. Identify $X$ and $Y$ in the following synthetic scheme and write their structures. Explain the formation of labelled formaldehyde $\left(H _2 \stackrel{}{C} O\right)$ as one of the products when compound $(Z)$ is treated with $HBr$ and subsequently ozonolysed. Mark the $C^{}$ carbon in the entire scheme.

$$ \begin{aligned} & Ba^{\stackrel{}{C} O _3}+H _2 SO _4 \longrightarrow X \quad\left(\stackrel{}{C}=C^{14} \text { gas }\right) \ & CH _2=CH-Br \xrightarrow[\substack{\text { (ii) } X \ \text { (ii) } H _3 O^{+}}]{\text {(i) Mg/ether }} Y \xrightarrow{LiAlH _4} Z \end{aligned} $$

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  1. $H _2 C=CH-Br \xrightarrow[\text { (ii) } X]{\text { (i) } Mg / \text { ether }} H _2 C=\underset{Y}{CH} \underset{{ }^{*}}{\stackrel{O}{C}}-OH$

$$ \text { (iii) } H _3 O^{+} $$

$$ H _2 C=CH-\stackrel{*}{C} H _2 OH $$

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