Benzene and Alkyl Benzene - Result Question 32

####36. Explain the followings :

(a) (i)




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  1. (a) (i)

(b) (i)

Nitro group from para position activate aromatic nucleophilic substitution.


$-NO _2$ is not in resonance with benzene ring, does not activate the aromatic nucleophilic substitution reaction, hence fluoride is not formed. (c) (i)

Hence, $-NO$ is ortho/para directing although deactivating group. Therefore, ortho/para nitro derivatives are formed on treatment with mixed acid.


Nitro group is meta directing as well as strongly deactivating.


In the above hydrogenation reaction, the anti-aromatic character of three cyclobutadiene rings are relieved that provide stability to the hydrogenation product.

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