Aromatic Aldehydes Ketones and Acids - Result Question 23

####27. The compound $Z$ is





Paragraph A

An organic acid $P\left(C _{11} H _{12} O _2\right)$ can easily be oxidised to a dibasic acid which reacts with ethylene glycol to produce a polymer dacron. Upon ozonolysis, $P$ gives an aliphatic ketone as one of the products. $P$ undergoes the following reaction sequences to furnish $R$ via $Q$. The compound $P$ also undergoes another set of reactions to produce $S$.

(2018 Adv.)

$$ \begin{aligned} & \text { (1) } H _2 / Pd-C \end{aligned} $$

$$ \begin{aligned} & \text { (5) } H _2 / Pd-C \ & \text { (4) } NaBH _4 \end{aligned} $$

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Correct Answer: 27. (a)


  1. Reaction 5 The Perkin condensation product $X$ is

This compound on hydrogenation with $H _2$ in the presence of $Pd$ activated with charcoal $(Pd-C)$ gives

Reaction 6 The product of reaction 5 on heating with $H _3 PO _4$ dehydrates to give

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