Aromatic Aldehydes Ketones and Acids - Result Question 19

####23. Compound P and R upon ozonolysis produce Q and S, respectively. The molecular formula of Q and S is C8H8OQ undergoes Cannizzaro reaction but not haloform reaction, whereas S undergoes haloform reaction but not Cannizzaro reaction.

(2017 Adv.) (i) P (ii) Zn/H2O (i) O3/CH2Cl2Q(C8H8O) (ii) R (ii) Zn/H2O (i) O3/CH2Cl2S(C8H8O)

The option(s) with suitable combination of P and R, respectively, is(are)



(c) H3


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Correct Answer: 23. C6H5CH(OAc)2



Gives Cannizzaro


Gives Cannizzaro but not haloform reaction

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