Aromatic Aldehydes Ketones and Acids - Result Question 13

####15. Compound $(A), C _8 H _9 Br$ gives a white precipitate when warmed with alcoholic $AgNO _3$. Oxidation of $(A)$ gives an acid $(B), C _8 H _6 O _4$. (B) easily forms anhydride on heating. Identify the compound $(A)$.

(2013 Main)





(c) to give (b)


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Correct Answer: 15. (a)


  1. Compound $A$ gives a precipitate with alcoholic $AgNO _3$, so it must contains $Br$ in side chain. On oxidation, it gives $C _8 H _6 O _4$, which shows the presence of two alkyl chains attached directly with the benzene nucleus. Since, compound $B$ gives anhydride on heating, the two alkyl substituent must occupy adjacent $(1,2)$ position. Thus, A must be

and the reactions are as follows :

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