Alkyl Halides - Result Question 67

####68. Show by chemical equations only, how would you prepare the following from the indicated starting materials? Specify the reagents in each step of the synthesis.

(1979, 2M)

(i) Chloroform from carbon disulphide.

(ii) Hexachloroethane $\left(C _2 Cl _6\right)$ from calcium carbide.

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  1. (i)

$$ \begin{aligned} & CS _2+Cl _2 \longrightarrow CCl _4+S _2 Cl _2 \ & CS _2+2 S _2 Cl _2 \longrightarrow CCl _4+6 S \ & CCl _4+2[H] \xrightarrow{Fe / H _2 O} \underset{\substack{\text { (Chloroform) }}}{CHCl _3+HCl} \ & CaC _2+H _2 O \longrightarrow C _2 H _2+Ca(OH) _2 \ & C _2 H _2 \xrightarrow{H _2 / Ni} C _2 H _6 \xrightarrow[h \nu]{Cl _2 \text { (excess) }} \underset{\text { (Hexachloroethane) }}{Cl _3 C-CCl _3} \end{aligned} $$

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