Alkyl Halides - Result Question 17

####17. The major product obtained in the following reaction is

$$ C _6 H _5 \xrightarrow{Br} C _6 H _5 \xrightarrow[\Delta]{{ }^{t} BuOK} $$

(2017 Main)

(a) $( \pm) C _6 H _5 CH\left(O^{t} Bu\right) CH _2 C _6 H _5$

(b) $C _6 H _5 CH=CHC _6 H _5$

(c) $(+) C _6 H _5 CH\left(O^{t} Bu\right) CH _2 C _6 H _5$

(d) $(-) C _6 H _5 CH\left(O^{t} Bu\right) CH _2 C _6 H _5$

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  1. An alkyl halide in presence of a bulkier base removes a proton from a carbon adjacent to the carbon bonded to the halogen. This reaction is called $E 2$ ( $\beta$-elimination reaction).

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