Aliphatic Compounds Containing Nitrogen - Result Question 25

####26. Carbylamine test is performed in alc. $KOH$ by heating a mixture of

(1984, 1M)

(a) chloroform and silver powder

(b) trihalogenated methane and a primary amine

(c) an alkyl halide and a primary amine

(d) an alkyl cyanide and a primary amine

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Correct Answer: 26. (b)


  1. $R-NH _2+CHCl _3 \xrightarrow{KOH} \underset{\begin{array}{c}\text { isocyanide } \ \text { (foul smell) }\end{array}}{R-NC \text { ‘Carbylamine test’ }}$ The above test is characteristic of primary amine and used to distinguish primary amine from other amines.

(Hofmann’s bromamide reaction)

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