Alcohols and Ethers - Result Question 8

####11. The major product formed in the following reaction is

(2018 Main) (a)




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Correct Answer: 11. (c)


  1. Key idea The reaction given is a nucleophilic substitution reaction in which cleavage at $C-O$ bond is visible. The product formation can be visualised with the help of following analysis.

If any one properly visualise the fact written with figure above, than a conclusion can be made that $C-O$ bonds marked (a) and (b) in the figure will undergo heterolysis during the reaction.

The reaction can be represented as


Step I The reaction begins with the attack of $H^{+}$of $HI$ on oxygen to form oxonium ion as

Step II This oxonium ion undergoes lysis and addition of $I^{-}$to form two products as

Step III Similar pathway is followed at the other oxygen atom, which can be visualised as

Note Mechanism of a reaction is always a logical sequencing of events which may occur simultaneously as well.

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