Alcohols and Ethers - Result Question 42

####47. Cyclobutylbromide on treatment with magnesium in dry ether forms an organometallic compound $(A)$. The organometallic reacts with ethanal to give an alcohol $(B)$ after mild acidification. Prolonged treatment of alcohol $(B)$ with an equivalent amount of $HBr$ gives 1-bromo-1methylcyclopentane $(C)$. Write the structures of $(A),(B)$ and explain how $(C)$ is obtained from $(B)$.

$(2001,5 M)$

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$\xrightarrow{H^{+}} \bigcup _C^{+} H-CH _3 \xrightarrow{\text { Ring expansion }} \bigcup _{2^{\circ}}^{+} \xrightarrow{H^{-} \text {shift }}$

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