Alcohols and Ethers - Result Question 4

####6. The major product of the following reaction is

(2019 Main, 8 April I)





(a) $CH _3 CH _2 COCH _3+PhMgX$

(b) $PhCOCH _3+CH _3 CH _2 MgX$

(c) $PhCOCH _2 CH _3+CH _3 MgX$

(d) $HCHO+PhCH\left(CH _3\right) CH _2 MgX$

(2019 Main, 8 April I)

(2019 Main, 12 Jan I)


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Correct Answer: 6. (b)


  1. Key Idea Ethers are least reactive functional groups. The cleavage of $C-O$ bond in ethers take place under drastic conditions with excess of $H X$.

The major product obtained in the reaction is as follows :

As conc. HBr is in excess. So, reaction will take place at both the substituents.


Step 1 Protonation of ether to form oxonium ion.

Step 2 Attack of nucleophile at the protonated ether.

Step 3 As $HBr$ is in excess, so, reaction will also take place at alkene.

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