Alcohols and Ethers - Result Question 33

####36. The structures of compounds $J, K$ and $L$ respectively, are

(a) $PhCOCH _3, PhCH _2 COCH _3$ and $PhCH _2 COO^{-} K^{+}$

(b) $PhCHO, PhCH _2 CHO$ and $PhCOO^{-} K^{+}$

(c) $PhCOCH _3, PhCH _2 CHO$ and $CH _3 COO^{-} K^{+}$

(d) $PhCHO, PhCOCH _3$ and $PhCOO^{-} K^{+}$

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Correct Answer: 36. Peroxides


  1. $J=C _6 H _5 CHO, K=Ph-\stackrel{O}{C}-CH _3, L=PhCOO^{+}{ }^{+}$

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