Alcohols and Ethers - Result Question 31

####34. The products of reaction of alcoholic silver nitrate with ethyl bromide are

(1991, 1M)

(a) ethane

(b) ethene

(c) nitroethane

(d) ethyl alcohol (e) ethyl nitrite

Assertion and Reason

Read the following question and answer as per the direction given below:

(a) Statement I is correct; Statement II is correct; Statement II is a correct explanation of Statement I.

(b) Statement I is correct; Statement II is correct; Statement II is not the correct explanation of Statement I.

(c) Statement I is correct; Statement II is incorrect.

(d) Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is correct.

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Correct Answer: 34. vicin


  1. $CH _3 CH _2 Br+\underset{\substack{\text { ambident } \ \text { nucleophile }}}{O=\stackrel{\bullet}{N}-O^{-}} \longrightarrow \underset{\text { nitroethane }}{CH _3 CH _2 NO _2}+\underset{\text { ethyl nitrite }}{CH _3 CH _2 ONO}$

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