Alcohols and Ethers - Result Question 2

####2. The synonym for water gas when used in the production of methanol is

(2019 Main, 10 April I)

(a) natural gas

(b) laughing gas

(c) syn gas

(d) fuel gas

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Correct Answer: 2. (d)


  1. The production of methanol from water gas is as follows:

$$ \underset{\substack{\text { Water gas } \ \text { or } \ \text { syn gas }}}{\left[CO+H _2\right]}+H _2 \xrightarrow[300 \text { atm, } 300^{\circ} C]{ZnO+Cr _2 O _3} \underset{\text { Methanol }}{CH _3 OH} $$

It is an industrial process used for the production of methanol where volume ratio of the reactant gases is maintained as: syn gas : $H _2=2: 1$ and $ZnO-Cr _2 O _3$ act as catalysts Thus, water gas is also called syn gas because it is used for synthesis of methanol. Key Idea $LiAlH _4$ reagent is used for the reduction of $-CHO$,

. It does not reduce double bonds.

The reaction of an ester with $LiAlH _4$ produces two alcohols, one corresponding to the acyl portion of the ester and one corresponding to the alkyl portion.

Thus, the major product of the given reactant

$CH _3 CH=CHCOCH _3$ in presence of $LiAlH _4$ is $CH _3 CH=CHCH _2 OH$ and $CH _3 OH$. The reaction proceeds through following mechanism.


Alcohols and Ethers

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