Question: Q. 9. The output of the given circuit in Figure

(a) would be zero at all times.

(b) would be like a half wave rectifier with positive cycles in output.

(c) would be like a half wave rectifier with negative cycles in output.

(d) would belike that of a full wave rectifier.

[NCERT Exemplar]

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Ans. Correctoption : (c)

Explanation: When positive cycle is at $A$, diode will be in forward bias and resistance due to diode is approximately zero so potential across diode will be about zero.

Similarly, when there is negative half cycle at $A$, diode will be in reverse bias and resistance will be maximum so potential difference across diode is $V_{m} \sin \omega t$ with negative at $A$. So we get only negative output at $A$ so it behaves like a half wave rectifier with negative cycle at $A$ in output.


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