Question: Q. 2. Plot a graph showing the variation of binding energy per nucleon as a function of mass number. Which property of nuclear force explains the approximate constancy of binding energy in the range $30<\mathrm{A}<170$ ? How does one explain the release of energy in both processes of nuclear fission and fusion from the graph ?

U [OD South 2016]

Nuclear force is saturated, or short ranged

[Any one] $1 / 2$

The final system is more tightly bound when heavy nucleus undergoes nuclear fission. Hence, there is a release of energy.

$1 / 2$ The final system is more tightly bound when light nuclei undergoes nuclear fusion. Hence, there is a release of energy.

[CBSE Marking Scheme 2016]

Detailed Answer :

Try yourself, Similar to Q. 1 (i), Short Answer Type Questions-II

Q. 3. (i) What characteristic property of nuclear force explains the constancy of binding energy per nucleon $(B E / A)$ in the range of mass number ’ $A$ ’ lying $30<A<170$ ?

(ii) Show that the density of nucleus over a wide range of nuclei is constant and independent of mass number $A$.

U [OD 2011]

Show Answer


Ans. (i) Nuclear force is saturated or short ranged. 1

(ii) Try yourself, Similar to Q. 6, Short Answer Type Questions-I.


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