Question: Q. 9. In the given figure, charge +Q is placed at the centre of a dotted circle. Work done in taking another charge fq from A to B is W1 and from B to C is W2. Which one of the following is correct?

(i) W1>W2

(ii) W1=W2

(iii) W1<W2

U] [CBSE SQP 2017-18]

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Ans. (ii)

As VAVB=VBVC magnitude of work done is same.

[CBSE Marking Scheme 2017] 1

Detailed Answer :

As we know E=dVdr and inside a ring there is zero electric field which means constant potential


Magnitude of work done is same.


Answering Tip

  • Points A and B are at same potential lies on a equipotential surface.

[I] Q. 10. What is the amount of work done in moving a point charge around a circular arc of radius r at the center where another point charge is located? A&E [O.D. Comptt. I, II, III 2014]

Ans. Let q1 be the charge inside the circle and q2 be the charge moving around the circular arc, then work done


The work done in moving the charge over the circular arc is zero, because it is moving over an equipotential surface.


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