Work Energy And Power Question 59

Question: If a lighter body (mass $ M_1 $ and velocity $ V_1 $ ) and a heavier body (mass $ M_2 $ and velocity $ V_2 $ ) have the same kinetic energy, then [MP PMT 1997]


A) $ M_2V_2<M_1V_1 $

B) $ M_2V_2=M_1V_1 $

C) $ M_2V_1=M_1V_2 $

D) $ M_2V_2>M_1V_1 $

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Correct Answer: D


$ P=\sqrt{2mE}. $ If kinetic energy are equal then

$ P\propto \sqrt{m} $ i.e., heavier body posses large momentum .

As $ M_1<M_2 $ therefore $ M_1V_1<M_2V_2 $

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