Work Energy And Power Question 327

Question: Block 1 and Block 2 are again released from $ h=1.2m. $ Block 1 flies off the track end at 30° and Block 2 at $ 45{}^\circ $ . Their speeds when they hit the floor 1 meter below the track end:


A) are smaller for Block 1 than Block 2.

B) are larger for Block 1 than Block 2.

C) are the same for Block 1 and Block 2.

D) depend on mass and angle, so the question cannot be answered.

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Correct Answer: C


[c] Since the speeds are the same at the track ends and they both fall through a vertical distance of 1 m from the track bottom, conservation of energy shows that their speeds when they strike the floor are equal also.

Assume h = 1m and v = 4.85 m/sec for both.

Then : $ 1/2mv^{2}+mgh=1/2mV^{2} $ (The mass will cancel, so V is the same for both blocks.)

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