Work Energy And Power Question 325

Question: A body of mass 1 kg initially at rest explodes and breaks into three fragments of masses in the ratio 1 : 1 : 3. The two pieces of equal mass fly off perpendicular to each other with a speed of 30 m/sec each. What is the velocity of the heavier fragment?


A) $ 10\sqrt{2}m/s $

B) $ 15\sqrt{2}m/s $

C) $ 5\sqrt{2}m/s $

D) $ 20\sqrt{2}m/s $

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Correct Answer: A


[a] The situation is shown in fig.

Let A and B be two pieces of equal mass (1/5 kg) which fly off perpendicular to a each other with equal velocity (30m/sec)

Momentum of A or $ \sqrt{3}B=( 1/5x30 ) $

$ \therefore P=F.V=constant $
Resultant momentum

$ =\sqrt{{{{( 1/5 )\times 30}}^{2}}+{{{( 1/5 )\times 30}}^{2}}}=6\sqrt{2}kgm/\sec $

along the bisector of ÐAOB

$ ( 3/5 )\times v=6\sqrt{2}\Rightarrow v=10\sqrt{2}m/\sec $

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