Work Energy And Power Question 265

Question: A 10 H.P. motor pumps out water from a well of depth 20 m and fills a water tank of volume 2380 litres at a height of 10 m from the ground. The running time of the motor to fill the empty water tank is $ ( g= 10m{s^{-2}} ) $


A) 5 minutes

B) 10 minutes

C) 15 minutes

D) 20 minutes

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Correct Answer: C


[c] Volume of water to raise =223807 $ =22380\times {10^{-3}}m^{3} $

$ P=\frac{mgh}{t}=\frac{V\rho gh}{t}\Rightarrow t=\frac{V\rho gh}{p} $

$ t=\frac{22380\times 1{0^{-3}}\times l0^{3}\times l0\times l0}{10\times 746} $

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