Work Energy And Power Question 154

Question: A bullet of mass a and velocity b is fired into a large block of mass c. The final velocity of the system is [AFMC 1981, 94, 2000; NCERT 1971; MNR 1998]


A) $ \frac{c}{a+b}\cdot b $

B) $ \frac{a}{a+c}\cdot b $

C) $ \frac{a+b}{c}.a $

D) $ \frac{a+c}{a}\cdot b $

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Correct Answer: B


Initially bullet moves with velocity b and after collision bullet get embedded in block and both move together with common velocity.

By the conservation of momentum

therefore a ´ b + 0 = (a + c) V

therefore $ V=\frac{ab}{a+c} $

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