Work Energy And Power Question 127

Question: Two masses $ m _{A} $ and $ m _{B} $ moving with velocities $ v _{A} $ and $ v _{B} $ in opposite directions collide elastically. After that the masses $ m _{A} $ and $ m _{B} $ move with velocity $ v _{B} $ and $ v _{A} $ respectively. The ratio $ (m _{A}/m _{B} $ ) is [RPMT 2003, AFMC 2002]


A) 1

B) $ \frac{v _{A}-v _{B}}{v _{A}+v _{B}} $

C) $ (m _{A}+m _{B})/m _{A} $

D) $ v _{A}/v _{B} $

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Correct Answer: A


Since bodies exchange their velocities, hence their masses are equal so that $ \frac{m _{A}}{m _{B}}=1 $

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