Work Energy And Power Question 115

Question: A body at rest breaks up into 3 parts. If 2 parts having equal masses fly off perpendicularly each after with a velocity of 12m/s, then the velocity of the third part which has 3 times mass of each part is [UPSEAT 2001]


A) $ 4\sqrt{2}m/s $ at an angle of $ 45^{o} $ from each body

B) $ 24\sqrt{2}m/s $ at an angle of $ 135^{o} $ from each body

C) $ 6\sqrt{2}m/s $ at $ 135^{o} $ from each body

D) $ 4\sqrt{2}m/s $ at $ 135^{o} $ from each body

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Correct Answer: D


The momentum of third part will be equal and opposite to the resultant of momentum of rest two equal parts let V is the velocity of third part.

By the conservation of linear momentum $ 3m\times V=m\times 12\sqrt{2} $

therefore $ V=4\sqrt{2}\ m/s $

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