Work Energy And Power Question 105

Question: A ball of mass m falls vertically to the ground from a height h1 and rebound to a height $ h_2 $ . The change in momentum of the ball on striking the ground is [AMU (Engg.) 1999]


A) $ mg(h_1-h_2) $

B) $ m(\sqrt{2gh_1}+\sqrt{2gh_2}) $

C) $ m\sqrt{2g(h_1+h_2)} $

D) $ m\sqrt{2g}(h_1+h_2) $

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Correct Answer: B


When ball falls vertically downward from height

$ h_1 $ its velocity $ {{\overrightarrow{v}}_1}=\sqrt{2gh_1} $

and its velocity after collision $ {{\overrightarrow{v}}_2}=\sqrt{2gh_2} $

Change in momentum $ \Delta \vec{P}=m({{\overrightarrow{v}}_2}-{{\overrightarrow{v}}_1})=m(\sqrt{2gh_1}+\sqrt{2gh_2}) $ (because $ {{\overrightarrow{v}}_1} $

and $ {{\overrightarrow{v}}_2} $ are opposite in direction)

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