Work Energy And Power Question 102

Question: A ball of weight 0.1 kg coming with speed 30 m/s strikes with a bat and returns in opposite direction with speed 40 m/s, then the impulse is (Taking final velocity as positive) [AFMC 1997]


A) $ -0.1\times (40)-0.1\times (30) $

B) $ 0.1\times (40)-0.1\times (-30) $

C) $ 0.1\times (40)+0.1\times (-30) $

D) $ 0.1\times (40)-0.1\times (20) $

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Correct Answer: B


Impulse = change in momentum $ mv_2-mv_1 $ = $ 0.1\times 40-0.1\times (-30) $

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