Semiconducting Devices Question 99

Question: The transfer ratio of a transistor is 50. The input resistance of the transistor when used in the common-emitter configuration is 1 KW. The peak value for an A.C input voltage of 0.01 V peak is

[CBSE PMT 1998]


A) 100 mA

B) 0.01 mA

C) 0.25 mA

D) 500 mA

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Correct Answer: D


b = 50, Ri = 1000 W, Vi = 0.01V $ \beta =\frac{i _{c}}{i _{b}} $

and $ i _{b}=\frac{V _{i}}{R _{i}}=\frac{0.01}{10^{3}}={{10}^{-5}}A $

Hence $ i _{c}=50\times {{10}^{-5}}A=500\mu A $ .

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