Semiconducting Devices Question 182

Question: A Ge specimen is doped with Al. The concentration of acceptor atoms is ~1021 atoms/m3. Given that the intrinsic concentration of electron hole pairs is $ \tilde{\ }10^{19}/m^{3} $ , the concentration of electrons in the specimen is

[AIIMS 2004]


A) $ 10^{17}/m^{3} $

B) $ 10^{15}/m^{3} $

C) $ 10^{4}/m^{3} $

D) $ 10^{2}/m^{3} $

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Correct Answer: A


$ n _{i}^{2}=n _{h}n _{e} $

Therefore $ {{(10^{19})}^{2}}=10^{21}\times n _{e} $

Therefore $ n _{e}=10^{17}/m^{3}.$

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