Semiconducting Devices Question 147

Question: If $ N _{P} $ and $ N _{e} $ be the numbers of holes and conduction electrons in an extrinsic semiconductor, then

[MP PMT 1999; AMU 2001]


A) $ N _{P}>N _{e} $

B) $ N _{P}=N _{e} $

C) $ N _{P}<N _{e} $

D) $ N _{P}>N _{e} $ or $ N _{P}<N _{e} $ depending on the nature of impurity

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Correct Answer: D


$ \begin{matrix} \text{Extrinsic} \ \text{S}\text{.C}\text{.} \ \end{matrix} $

$ \begin{matrix} P-\text{Type}(n _{p}»n _{e}) \ \begin{matrix} {} \ N-\text{Type}(n _{e}»n _{p}) \ \end{matrix} \ \end{matrix} $

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