Semiconducting Devices Question 135

Question: The forbidden energy band gap in conductors, semiconductors and insulators are $ EG _{1},EG _{2} $ and $ EG _{3} $ respectively. The relation among them is

[MP PMT 1994; RPMT 1997]


A) $ EG _{1}=EG _{2}=EG _{3} $

B) $ EG _{1}<EG _{2}<EG _{3} $

C) $ EG _{1}>EG _{2}>EG _{3} $

D) $ EG _{1}<EG _{2}>EG _{3} $

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Correct Answer: B


In insulators, the forbidden energy gap is very large, in case of semiconductor it is moderate and in conductors the energy gap is zero.

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