Semiconducting Devices Question 114

Question: In the CB mode of a transistor, when the collector voltage is changed by 0.5 volt. The collector current changes by 0.05 mA. The output resistance will be

[Pb. PMT 2003]


A) 10 kW

B) 20 kW

C) 5 kW

D) 2.5 kW

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Correct Answer: A


Here $ \Delta V _{c}=0.5V $ , $ \Delta i _{c} $ =0.05mA = 0.05 x $10^{-3}$ A

Output resistance is given by

$ R _{out}=\frac{\Delta V _{c}}{\Delta i _{c}}=\frac{0.5}{0.05\times {{10}^{-3}}}=10^{4}\Omega $ = 10kW.

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