Properties Of Solids And Liquids Question 95

Question: The coefficient of apparent expansion of mercury in a glass vessel is 153 × 10-6/ºC and in a steel vessel is 144 × 10-6/ºC. If a for steel is 12 × 10-6/ºC, then that of glass is [EAMCET 1997]


A) 9 × 10-6/ºC

B) 6 × 10-6/ºC

C) 36 × 10-6/ºC

D) 27 × 10-6/ºC

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Correct Answer: A


greal = gapp. + gvessel So (gapp. + gvessel)glass = (gapp. + gvessel)steel

therefore 153 × 10-6 + (gvessel)glass = (144 × 10-6 + gvessel) steel Further, (gvessel)

steel = 3a = 3 × (12 × 10-6) = 36 × 10-6/ºC

therefore 153 × 10-6 + (gvessel)glass = 144 × 10-6 + 36 × 10-6

therefore (gvessel)glass = 3a = 27 × 10-6/ºC

therefore a = 9 × 10-6/ºC

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