Properties Of Solids And Liquids Question 63

Question: A lead bullet of 10 g travelling at 300 m/s strikes against a block of wood and comes to rest. Assuming 50% of heat is absorbed by the bullet, the increase in its temperature is (Specific heat of lead = 150J/kg, K) [EAMCET 2001]


A) 100°C

B) 125°C

C) 150°C

D) 200°C

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Correct Answer: C


Since specific heat of lead is given in Joules,

hence use $ W=Q $ instead of $ W=JQ $ .

therefore $ \frac{1}{2}\times ( \frac{1}{2}mv^{2} )=m.c.\Delta \theta $

therefore $ \Delta \theta =\frac{v^{2}}{4c}=\frac{{{(300)}^{2}}}{4\times 150}=150{}^\circ C $ .

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