Properties Of Solids And Liquids Question 468

Question: The apparent coefficient of expansion of a liquid when heated in a copper vessel is C and when heated in a silver vessel is S. If A is the linear coefficient of expansion of copper, then the linear coefficient of expansion of silver is [EAMCET 1991]


A) $ \frac{C+S-3A}{3} $

B) $ \frac{C+3A-S}{3} $

C) $ \frac{S+3A-C}{3} $

D) $ \frac{C+S+3A}{3} $

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Correct Answer: B


$ {\gamma _{r}}={\gamma _{a}}+{\gamma _{v}} $ ;

where $ {\gamma _{r}}= $ coefficient of real expansion, $ {\gamma _{a}}= $ coefficient of apparent expansion and $ {\gamma _{v}}= $ coefficient of expansion of vessel.

For copper $ {\gamma _{r}}=C+3{\alpha _{Cu}}=C+3A $

For silver $ {\gamma _{r}}=S+3{\alpha _{Ag}} $

therefore $ C+3A=S+3{\alpha _{Ag}} $

therefore $ {\alpha _{Ag}}=\frac{C-S+3A}{3} $

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