Properties Of Solids And Liquids Question 450

Question: An experiment takes 10 minutes to raise the temperature of water in a container from $ 0{}^\circ C $ to $ 100{}^\circ C $ and another 55 minutes to convert it totally into steam by a heater supplying heat at a uniform rate. Neglecting the specific heat of the container and taking specific heat of water to be$ 1 cal/g{}^\circ C $ , the heat of vapourisation according to this experiment will come out to be :


A) 560 cal/g

B) 550 cal/g

C) 540 cal/g

D) 530 cal/g

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Correct Answer: B


[b] As $ Pt=mC\Delta T $ So, $ P\times 10\times 60 = mC 100 $ …(i) and $ P\times 55\times 60 = mL $ …(ii) Dividing equation (i) by (ii) we get $ (\theta -{\theta _{0}}) $

$ \therefore L = 550 cal./g. $

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