Properties Of Solids And Liquids Question 425

Question: The ratio of the coefficient of volume expansion of a glass container to that of a viscous liquid kept inside the container is 1 : 4. What fraction of the inner volume of the container should the liquid occupy so that the volume of the remaining vacant space will be all temperatures?


A) 2 : 5

B) 1 : 4

C) 1 : 64

D) 1 : 8

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Correct Answer: B


[b] When there is no change in liquid level in vessel then $ \gamma {’ _{real}}=\gamma {’ _{vessel}} $ Change in volume in liquid relative to vessel $ \Delta V _{app}=V\gamma {’ _{app}}\Alpha \theta =V( \gamma {’ _{real}}-\gamma {’ _{vessel}} ) $

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