Properties Of Solids And Liquids Question 416

Question: A mass of 50g of water in a closed vessel, with surroundings at a constant temperature takes 2 minutes to cool from $ 30{}^\circ C $ to$ 25{}^\circ C $ . A mass of 100g of another liquid in an identical vessel with identical surroundings takes the same time to cool from $ 30{}^\circ C $ to $ 25{}^\circ C $ . The specific heat of the liquid is: (The water equivalent of the vessel is 30g.)


A) 2.0 kcal/kg

B) 7 kcal/kg

C) 3 kcal/kg

D) 0.5 kcal/kg

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Correct Answer: D


[d] $ \frac{( m _{w}C _{m}+W )\Delta T}{t}=\frac{( {m _{\ell }}{C _{\ell }}+W )\Delta T}{t} $ (W=water equivalent of the vessel) or $ m _{w}C _{w}={m _{\ell }}{C _{\ell }} $

$ \therefore $ Specific heat of liquid, $ C=\frac{m _{w}C _{w}}{{m _{\ell }}} $

$ =\frac{50\times 1}{100}=0.5kcal/kg $

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